We cannot be alive until we have loved, dreamed, laughed, wished, or given ourselves to others.

Archive for December, 2009

New Year’s Eve

Hello, Everyone!

Well, I guess it’s the end of 2009, right? WRONG!!!

I like to look at the New Year as a continuation of 2009, bringing along the values I learned to make this an even better year.

So, some updates from last post:

We said good-bye to Sweet Pea, the legendary pink and purple Betta fish. Yes, my two and a half year old baby boy. Unfortunately, it was just his time to go… on Christmas Day. Yes, of course the little pink fighting fish would say “See ya soon” on Christmas! What else would you expect?

I’m taking on a lot of junk to do. This includes a short on New Year’s Resolutions for NeXT, so you can be looking for that, soon.

*Speaking* about Resolutions…

My Resolution List

1. Write at least 50,000 creative writing words this year.
2. Lose weight... haha, I gained three pounds over break!??! What? :)
3. END MY PROCRASTINATION. I'm going to learn how to do things right...somehow.
Maybe even...research?
4. Become a cleaner person. I know I'm not going to get entirely organized, but I can try.

And those are just some of my top four resolutions for this year. What’re your Resolutions? {If only someone would respond…} Haha, it’s actually all right! It amuses me to realize that I’m typing to myself sometimes. This is kind of like my not-so-personal-diary, I guess, which is cool. Because I’m not a real diary type-person.

New updates will be coming SOON to the blog!

Stay tuned!

With wishes and hopes for a healthy, successful, prosperous New Year for you,

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=

Christmas Eve :)

Hello Everyone!

Wow, I realize that I’ve been a very bad blogger, right? Yes, you can wholeheartedly agree, too. I will be like a horribly weird vlogger (yes, video-logger) and say, “I’m sorry. I really have been sosososoooooooo busy.”

That includes many assorted activities: writing, school, the holidays, family, friends… and I’m sure a lot more that I don’t even want to think about. But, that’s quite all right.

So, this is supposed to be a holiday post, I’m assuming. What do you do for Christmas?

My family is extremely Polish, so today we are going to my Aunt’s house for the whole shebang: sausage, perogis, buche de noel, and all that other yumminess.

On Christmas Day, I’m just going to be hanging around the house with my parents. I’m sure we’ll just bum around staring at presents, playing Scrabble, and listening to reruns of Christmas movies on the television.

No, really, my life isn’t that boring. I just tend to be…stressed?..at the holidays.

For example, ‘thank you’ to my Earth Science teacher for the lovely 99-question word packet. Not that I don’t like her, she’s extremely nice. But… WORKING? Over BREAK? -.-

Haha, no, I am just acting weird. I’m sure you can sympathesize. For example, yet again, I AM a procrastinator. I am combining many writing pieces from this year into a book for my parents. I hope that’s a satisfying homemade gift… I think it is nice. I just wish I would’ve done it sooner… than 1:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve…

And just think if the ink runs out. Haha….

I hope Santa Claus or Father Christmas or your parents visit you kindly and treat you handsomely with gifts!

Remember, though… Christmas doesn’t come wrapped in ribbons and bows. It is felt through the heart, a joyous time of thanking Heaven for your family and friends.

Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noel! Happy Channukah! Happy Kwanza! Happy Eid!

Overall… ***Happy Holidays!!!***


Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=

The Start of a New Week

Hello, Darlings!

What’s new in your world?

For me, life is quite simply fabulous.

I have completed my second novel, “Tightrope,” as I may have already said.

You know what makes me feel guilty? Almost only one thing ever makes me feel guilty.

And that’s: taking advantage and snooping around for Christmas presents.

Don’t get me wrong! I usually don’t succeed, so it’s usually no big deal. But.. if I ever DID succeed… 😉 Now, wouldn’t that be devilishly awesome?

I mean, seriously. Don’t try to deny yourself.

What are all of you getting for Christmas?

Haha, no, I don’t mean wish lists. I mean what YOU are GIVING someone.

I need some ideas, of course, for the ‘rents… we’ll have to see how it turns out.

And, do you see the snazzy holiday background I put up? I seriously hope you’re proud of me.

Well, this was a short installment, but I have to run.

I have quite a major headache.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=

Tuesday’s for Snooze Days…

Hello, My Lovely, Devoted, Faithful Readers!


I am here to bring incredibly exciting news, for once.

{Actually, I’m sure my whole life story excites you… just kidding! Gosh! Stop those “creeperrrr” looks…}

There are two majorly good events to share with you, today!

This post was technically supposed to be posted yesterday, but as the only free time was at 11:40 p.m.,  I’m sorry… I love you guys and all… but that was a little bit too late for me to be blogging.

So, yesterday, guess who this lucky girl got to interview?

Candace Cameron Bure, “DJ Tanner” from Full House!

She called my house for the scheduled interview, and we were able to discuss a lot of her path and her role as a mother {and actress} today.

I also finished NaNoWriMo… with a word count of 28,535 words!!!

That was quite an accomplishment.

It weighs in with the “Scholar Athelete” Award I received today…

Oh, yeah, and a 101-grade on a test. 🙂

Things are looking lucky and good, these past days!

I hope you don’t mind a brag-hag. Lol, well, maybe not a hag… you decide!

I must leave you with this awesomeness now to go do some homework, but I will update soon.

I love you all to pieces!

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=