We cannot be alive until we have loved, dreamed, laughed, wished, or given ourselves to others.

Excerpt from Naturally, Me


I remember how it all started. It was Tuesday morning. I was nine at the time, so Amber didn’t event exist yet. Aunt Macy was busy with two-year-old Tessa, golden curls bobbing as she ran around with Spark, our black lab. Max was his usual self, building a huge Lego tower that Tessa would mess up later, as usual. Even back then, I thought my family was a bunch of mental cases. Dad was already at work, at a bakery named Luigi’s…


I open the door to hear silence.


Silence can be the loudest sound in the entire world.

The silence when you are taking a dreadful exam.

The silence when your heart is racing, when you feel scared.

The silence that is akward, when someone’s fighting.

The silence of sympathy.

The silence of horribly nasty stares.

The silence that brings you to tears.

“I hate silence!”

I grumble out loud, to make sure I actually am not in a living dead world…




I slurped on my spoon.

“You’ll always be my favorite boy.”

I couldn’t say, I know, Pop!, so I just nodded.

So, now, I think back to that perfect day.

Lily sure has changed, I could say.

But, nah.

Lily’s a part of me. She’s my sister. And, though I’ll never admit it, I love her all the same.

♥ I hope you liked it! Leave me a message! btterflygurl@gmail.com

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