We cannot be alive until we have loved, dreamed, laughed, wished, or given ourselves to others.


Hello, my dear followers! I have created a new WordPress blog. It’s called Fantastical Reality, and the focus is on making the impossible become possible. The new link is:



Most of my main focus will now be devoted to the link above. ^^^ However, I will still periodically attempt to update this blog, as it is my more personal blog. As for now, I bid you Adieu!

Have a fantastic Holiday Season!

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=

“Seasons may change, Winter to Spring. But I will love you, until the end of time.” ~Moulin Rouge

Hello, Everyone!

I have followed up on my word. 🙂 On Friday, I finished NaNoWriMo!

This year was extremely difficult for me. I participated in NaNoWriMo last year, but I only went towards a final word count of 25, 000. I won last year, and struggled to win this year. I doubled my word count goal to register as part of the adult installment of NaNoWriMo. I somehow managed to complete this year’s novel four days early. However, it is nowhere near being complete. I have a lot of editing, paraphrasing, and character development awaiting me. I am proud to say, though, that I used perseverance and time management to commit myself to winning this year.

This year’s novel was very interesting for me. I usually don’t pick darker subjects to write about, but I decided to try something different. My 2010 NaNoWriMo is called That’s Not His Name. The protagonist is a young girl named Maxine Asby {Maxie for short,} a high-achieving, rebellious Junior living in the city. She comes from a not-so-pleasant home, but has many things to be grateful for. Then, of course, the inevitable happens. Maxine is kidnapped, and taken away to reside in places very different than her usual home. 🙂 I don’t want to give too much away, so I’ll post a short excerpt here:

“You ladies have any plans for today?” Robbie asks with a smile.
“Nope. We’re wingin’ it this time,” I drawl. “Why? Do you have a suggestion?” I coo.
“Hmm. We might have a few,” Robbie says slowly.
I lean back, my butt against the cold stone wall. My elbows are propped against the wall, too, and I lazily let the cigarette hang from between my fingers, slowly exhaling the deep grey tendrils of smoke.
“See? Life is about choices. You pick to go this way, or that way. You follow what society says, or you make your own decisions. Then, there’s some people that get rich by going against the grain and doing something different. And then there’s people like us that get called out for going in another direction. What really is the difference between good and bad? Can’t we just accept different ways of thinking and let life continue?” I cough, overwhelmed by my own questions and frustration. Jimmy laughs.
“Hey, Maxie, I think you’re getting ‘insightful.’ Next, you’re gonna go against the grain and use your smarts to make you into a billionaire yourself. We’re gonna go and say, ‘Yup. I knew Maxie Asby. She was one heckuva girl. I always thought she’d be gettin’ somewhere by doin’ something different than everyone else.’”
“Aww, hush!” I say, frowning.
“Hey, we didn’t mean it like that, Maxie,” Robbie says, resting his hand on my shoulder. “We meant that we honestly think you’re going to be something. There’s no hope for nothings like us.”
“You’re not a nothing! You’re both worth something. Look at how nice you are. I mean, what could people find wrong with you?”
They both laugh.

I hope you enjoyed my mini WriMo excerpt! This was a very fun, exciting story to create. I know I have my work cut out for me, but it’ll be great to see how Maxie’s story turns out in a more polished format.

I would also like to post about something special that will be going on the next eight weeks. I am taking part in a Blogging Boot Camp, all happy regards and praise being sent to Angela Stockman! Anyone is allowed to take part in the fun, and anyone can join at any time! Please check out the link for more information, and come join us:


Guess what this means? I’ll be posting more regularly, at least for the next couple of months! We’re going to see if we can get this whole blog updating thing working again. I really enjoy writing out my thoughts for all of you, and I enjoy some email comments I receive for my posts {Thanks, Tanya from Michigan and Bea from Conneticut!} Anyone can always leave me comments at btterflygurl@gmail.com!

I will be dropping in to write to all of you shortly. Now I must continue on to the dreaded Trig homework and evil, nasty poo Castle Learning. It is much better if you don’t know what either of those are.

Oh, but wait! I still have to rave about one more thing that I forgot to mention! Well. I always seem to find all of the coolest things from the lovely land of Britain! 😀 Lush Cosmetics is going to be one of my top favorite things for now. All of the products are either vegan or eco-friendly, as well as organic! Best of all, all products are animal cruelty free! I can’t wait to try the Snow Fairy lip tint, which is supposed to smell like raspberry sweetness. I also bought a container of Sympathy for the Skin, which will be given to a very special someone at Christmastime! I hope they like it, because it is very unique: the cream is made from mashed organic bananas!

All right, now I really have to go hit the books. 😦 Unit circles, sin, cos, and tan, my buds, here I come to vanquish you! {Just kidding.}

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=


“In seeking wisdom thou art wise; in imagining that thou hast attained it —thou art a fool!” ~ Lord Chesterfield



Dearest Followers and Visitors,

I, once again, am terribly sorry for not keeping up with updating this blog. I have actually started a new, anonymous blog project, which pertains to a much more… difficult subject. However, do not fret! I am going to continue to update this blog. I have just been a bit behind with all of the activities that I have been up to.

As you all might now, this month is National Novel Writing Month, more commonly referred to as November’s NaNoWriMo. I have taken part in the event for these past two years. I won 2009 last year with 35, 000, and this year I am attempting to go for the gusto: 50, 000 words, a true novel. No doubt, it’s very difficult. Some days, I don’t write more than a measly 400 words. However, I have found a secret to NaNoWriMo.

NaNoWriMo is not about writing your best. It is not about rushing to complete a perfect novel that everyone will deem a classic masterpiece. NaNoWriMo is about persevering and using time management to create a story. The story can be whatever you want it to be, but the main point is this: you are trying to challenge yourself to write for the whole month of November.

Even if you don’t reach your target goal, the closer you get to the target goal, the more satisfied you feel. I have a feeling that I will not reach the full 50, 000 this year, but I am proud to say that I’ve at least reached the halfway point during this busy school year. It is extremely difficult to find time between clubs, practicing my piano, homework, school, family, and friends. You cannot eliminate too much of any one thing. Therefore, I would like to share with you the list of rules that I follow for NaNoWriMo.

1. If you’re not having fun, the event is pointless. You should not overly stress about reaching the goal. Sure, there are times when you have to push yourself through not-fun times. But if you’re continuously experiencing frustration and tears, the writing is pointless.

2. Break up your major goal into accomplish-able smaller goals. Maybe the 1, 667 daily word goal is even too much for you. Just set minor goals in your head, and reward yourself with something nice when you reach it. Then get back to writing. 🙂

3. Take some days off. You need to live your life, too. Don’t miss out on some of the last days of autumn! Go out and get a nice fresh apple cider, walk through the pretty golden leaves, and let your hair get windblown by the chilly fall breeze. Just don’t fall into the bad habit of missing three WriMo days in a row!

4. Find some WriMo friends. They can even be complete strangers! Just find someone who has a novel idea similar to yours and start talking/typing to them. You might find a really nice person that will help keep you encouraged! Just remember to do the same with them. Share your ideas and WriMo wisdom!

5. Pick a courageous writing topic. Pick a topic that you don’t think you’d ever write anything about. This year, I picked a topic that is way darker than any of my other writing pieces. I’ve found myself to have so much inspiration from it. Sometimes, challenging yourself with a new writing topic gets even more creative thoughts flowing!

Those are the five simplest rules that I can share with you. Even if you weren’t able to sign up for NaNoWriMo this year, I encourage you to do it next year! I have a special blog post coming up after the end of November. In it, I will share with you the content of this year’s WriMo, and some of the thoughts and feelings I was going through day by day.

All right. I hope you are satisfied with this. This took away from my own WriMo time! I will be updating within two weeks! 😀 I hope you are enjoying these last days of autumn. If you live anywhere near WNY, you realize that the dreaded s-n-o-w is coming soon.

If you are a WriMo participant, keep on WriMo-ing!

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=

“If you are having trouble pursuing your passion… put passion into your current pursuits.” ~ Thomas Kinkade

Homecoming Splendor! [ =

Hello there!

My goodness, I’m actually posting within the week!

All right, so this week is Homecoming week at my high school. It’s full of Bulldog pride and school spirit. The hallways are strewn in class colors, and decorated with the themes: Finding Nemo, Scooby Doo, the Flintstones, and Spongebob Squarepants.

This week was quite interesting. The dress-up days were Pajama Day, Twin Day, Cowboy and Indian Day, Cartoon Day, and tomorrow is… REALLY?!? School spirit day.

We’re going to show the Panthers who really d-o-m-i-n-a-t-e-s! 😀

This week is busy, yet so exciting. I can’t wait to use all of the funky face paint and hair accessories I bought to use at the Homecoming game. I’m ready to rock a dress in the school colors! We’re all set for victory.

The dance is also a grand event at my high school. This year, I’m wearing a long white dress with silver flowers curling as a design. If I do say so myself, I’m ready to rock this Homecoming!

Homework, however, is another issue. Have you ever realized how challenging it is to balance academics with sports? I’m finding it extremely challenging this year! 😦

I wonder if your high school had/has any Homecoming traditions? If you are a high schooler, are you excited for the dance? What are you wearing?

I hope to get a new stream of readers on this blog. I will soon focus on altering my blogging techniques to try to get followers! I have some pretty cool ideas for this blog. To share one instance with you, though, I thought it might be pretty fun to show you a picture of Prince Charming and I from vacation.

Enjoy! Happy Thursday, and have a wonderful weekend!

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=

“Where there is great love, there are always miracles!” ~ Willa Cather

Let’s Reactivate!


It is quite evident that I was never able to post my lovely week at Studio. However, fear not! I will gladly catch my readers up with current events.

For August:

I had an excellent week at Studio. So many new things were learned that I can not even think of how I could begin to explain all of the lessons I value now!

I also enjoyed a five-day vacation at Walt Disney World. We stayed at the Coronado Springs Resort, and I was able to wear a pin to signify my 16th Birthday. This was the first time that I willingly went on a few rides, including Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Rock N Rollercoaster, and the Tower of Terror.

A few funny stories to share:

My favorite restaurant was the Les Chefs de France in Epcot. I enjoyed our waiter, Lidio, who conversed with me en francais! Quite surprisingly, he was impressed by my knowledge of the language, and backed up the idea of me being a French teacher. I really enjoyed actually getting to talk to someone from France!

At Les Chefs de France, I also was able to see a robotic Remy on a platter! It was a lot more exciting than it sounds. He was so adorable… and I could barely stop laughing as I received a birthday crepe with a hearty “Bon Anniversaire!”, sung by some very attractive French boys. 🙂

I also laugh when I think back to the character meet-and-greets. I have to admit, I was so excited that I was actually able to finally “meet” Tinkerbell! I was also able to meet Iridessa and Vidia… although, I did miss Silvermist, Fawn, and Rosetta. I had so much fun pretending to talk fairy-speak with the “fairies”! Disney is so great, because it brings out the inner child that you try to hide from everyone. ^.^

The last epic story from Disney World has to deal with two of my other favorite characters, Peter and Wendy.

I waited in a long line for about twenty minutes to meet these characters. When it was finally my turn, I went to take a step forwards…and this huge red wasp decided to land on my nose! First thought was, Woah. There is a wasp on my nose. Secondly, came the: Ohmygod, I HATE BEES! And then came the: WHAT is going to happen? I’m FREAKING OUT!!!!

Fortunately, I stayed calm. I was actually more panicked by the idiotic man behind me. He kept on shouting, “Oh my God! There is a WASP on that girl’s NOSE! Don’t MOVE, sweetie! DON’T MOVE. He’ll STING YOU!”

Inside my head, I was thinking: I’m going to sting you if you don’t calm down in ten seconds. You are SO ANNOYING!

Luckily, that wasp decided I was too boring, so he floated away. Then, I was able to come up to Peter Pan and Wendy, and the conversation went like this:

Wendy: “Wow! You are very brave! I would’ve screamed like a little girl!”

Peter: “You ARE very brave. What do you think, Wendy? I think we could use some Lost Girls!”

Wendy: “Oh yes, quite! But, is it your….SIXTEENTH birthday? Oh, no! You are quite old!”

Peter: “Are you a GROWN-UP?! I hate grown-ups!”

Wendy: “Well, now. Today’s your seventh birthday, because one plus six is seven. Happy Seventh Birthday!”

Peter: “Oh, all right. That’s fine.”

Wendy: “Actually, I think she would make a perfect mermaid. Wouldn’t she, with that jewelry and her hair?”

Peter: “Oh yes, I think she would be a lovely mermaid……….”

Wendy: “PETER!!!!”

…and to top it all of, this conversation took place with adorable British accents. 🙂 Thank you, Disney World, for one of the most epic moments ever.

That about wrapped up August for me. Now, we get to September.

This year is my Junior year. Woot! Go Bulldogs!

I never thought much when people used to laugh about Junior year. In fact, I’d laugh along with them as they said, “Ha! Good luck with THAT year!” Then, I realized that they weren’t lying.

Junior year was created by the Devil.

Imagine juggling this schedule: tennis games till 8 p.m., school at 7:30 a.m., four class loads of homework, Vice President of Community Service, assistant Future Teacher, and various other extracurricular activities (dances, football games, community service clean ups.)

Yeah. Welcome to my life.

I’ve created a sense of paranoia for myself. It is so easy to forget things, and then panic over their absence.

This post is becoming lengthy, and I still have loads of homework to do before tomorrow {Yes, I know it’s a Saturday, but Sunday is my slouch day.}

Today, I took part in a beach sweep at a local beach. It is true that the water is very polluted, but the sand dunes and natural life were gorgeous. There is nothing better to me than beach ecosystems. I find beaches to be one of the best beautiful things nature has to offer. It also helped that the beach had an abundance of quality sea glass. 🙂

Well, I really must be heading off now. I promise you that I will try my hardest to post once every 1-2 weeks! I am really focusing on revamping this blog to become the best it can be. I already have a list of a few ideas…

Have a good weekend!

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=

“Feed your heart with beauty.” ~ Thomas Kinkade

Sunnyday! :D

Dear readers,

Hello again! I hope your Sunday is as lovely as mine has been. It is a beautiful sunny day… and quite hot, at that! That’s what I define as a perfect summer day. 🙂

But; Summer is drawing to a close, soon, I do think. Which means only one thing…

Studio is here!

If you look back onto previous posts, one of my favorite activities is the Studio that I have now attended for… three years, if I am not mistaken. The session I attend is always towards the end of August… and one of the best weeks of my entire year.

Today was spent doing many things… Wait! Back up. I suppose I should tell you all I have been up to this weekend, shouldn’t I?

On Saturday, I had a very good day. I came close to wrapping up my AP U.S. homework for the Summer {It will be done by tonight… I hope!}, and then my parents announced we would be taking a little roadtrip.

We ended up going to Olcott Beach! It was so exciting to go to a beach that was close to home. We ate at a little waterside restaurant, and they had the most amazing desserts. They were these homemade peanut butter cup cookies, and they melted on the plate. They were so soft and warm and yummy… my goodness, and so sweet that I had a slight sickness afterwards.

The beach was so pretty. We didn’t get to go close to the water, but I was able to view a cute little lighthouse. Lighthouses are so pretty at night, let me assure you. 😀

Then, we just had to stop at the famous roadside stand. We bought the best snack ever; homemade cashew caramel corn! It was so good.

Really. If you like caramel corn, the best can be found on Olcott Beach.

Today, though, was one of my best days ever with my mom! We went out to Hamburg to find something special. Well, maybe to you it’s not that special… but, if you’re a girl, it’s one of the most exciting moments ever.

I bought my Homecoming and Snowball dresses! 😀 It’s not official yet, because I brought home six different dresses. But they’re so beautiful, and I’m so excited to choose what dresses I wear this year!

I feel so sad, because I started the high school graduation countdown. Wait! I’m not that far ahead yet. I mean, I started making lists of events.

Tallied up, I only have ten high school dances left! This includes:

~two Freshmen Mixers

~two Homecomings

~two Snowballs

~two Spring Flings

~two Proms

I’m so upset by looking at this. I can count the high school dances I have left on two measly hands, now! Thinking back to sixth grade, I had… {breaks to count this out} twenty three dances to look forwards to. Wow. Time does go by so quickly!

To think that I will be taking SATs and looking into colleges in a few short months… is unbelievable. We’re going to have to see how well this goes!

I think I’d best get going. It’s 8:04 p.m., and I have a lot on my plate. I have one chapter and one essay of AP U.S. to go, as well as preparing for and getting a good night’s sleep for Studio tomorrow! {Not to mention, a bit more reading time!}

I’ll type to you soon… most likely tomorrow! I’m going to aim to write a blog post each day this week, in honor of Studio. I’m so excited!

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=

“Ah! what would be the world to us If the children were no more? We should dread the desert behind us Worse than the dark before.” ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Friday the 13th

Hello, my dear  followers!

I could not resist the opportunity of posting on Friday the 13th. This is one of my favorite superstitious days, because… well. I happen to love to think about the possibilities of the pranks that can be pulled on this day!

This is going to be an EXTREMELY short post, so I hope you don’t frown upon me. I’m sorry! I’m a bit busy with the AP U.S. homework right now… the schedule did not go according to plan.

I will be updating you all next week on what happens during the Studio sessions! I’m very excited for this year. And then, of course… there will be Disney!

I have one topic to talk about today… the fair!

I went to the fair with my best friend on Wednesday. It was so much fun… haha, even though that sounds cliche. 😉

We wandered around, just having a fun time looking at things that people were selling. Andrea loved seeing the cows and calves, and I loved seeing the horses and rabbits. We also saw chicken, roosters, geese, pigs, and sheep.

I love the fair, because of the rides that we get to go on! We ate the normal fair meal… hot dogs, snow cones, and root beer floats.

My two favorite carnival rides are the swings and the Himalaya. If you don’t know what these are… you must have been deprived in your childhood. 😦

The swings are rows of…well, swings, suspended from chains. They’re on this… ride that gets taller and spins the swings out, so you’re flying sideways. It’s so much fun!

The Himalaya is a ride of interconnected sleds. It features a really cheesy snow background, and you race around the track really fast, both forwards and backwards. At the time we went on the ride, the operators let us ride two times in a row! That was awesome.

I also love the Ferris wheel, cause, well, you’re 150 feet up into the air! We were able to look down on all of the flashing and twinkling lights… and it just looks so pretty.

There were two interesting rides we didn’t get to go on. One featured human sized plastic beach balls. You go inside a deflated one, and they fill it up with air. Then, you float and roll around in a pool! It looked like so much fun, but $2 per ride only satisfies you for a little bit, before you realize it’s kind of expensive.

The other ride featured the passenger strapped on their stomach. They then flew up and down in hang gliders! I thought it looked AWESOME, but the tummy might hurt a little afterwards…

Oh, yeah. And did I forget to mention the dreaded Rok N Rol? If you haven’t gone on this ride, you are such a lucky person. It features being strapped in a hamster cage. Then, you are SUPPOSED to be rolled around, attached to another mechanism that spins you around. Yeah, well. Our carriage was having techincal difficulties when we rode it. So, it spun us around all right… but. It was so great, that we would roll upwards for about five seconds before we’d be spun around upside down again. Which resulted in us being upside down on our heads for the majority of the ride.


Well, now, as I relive that headache, I should say adios! Happy Friday the 13th!

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=

“Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.” ~ Edna Buchanan

Hey, loves!

Welcome to… the “Sarah-is-tired-and-might-ramble-a-little-bit-but-that’s-okay” day!

Well, right now, I feel like poop. Not really, but… I can feel that I went to bed at 11:30 yesterday. I guess I should reevaluate that bedtime, again.

I know this isn’t a post on Friday, like I said it was supposed to be last week. But, to be honest, there was nothing really exciting that happened last week. I guess I can tell you that my summer job is coming to an end, which makes me sad.

…Oh. Have I told you about my summer job? Well, I was hired by my town to work in the Rec center. I work from 8:30 to around 1:00 every day, each morning. {Thank goodness not weekends, though!}

There are two classes; 9-10:30 and 10:30-12. Each class has fifteen little children. There are a lot of highlights to this job; I get good pay for basically just sitting around and tying off God’s Eyes, friendship bracelets, and painting little clay creations. A lot of the kids are really cute, and you should see their little faces when you say “Let’s get the freezie pops!”

And then there are the select group of the chosen children. They come from a different place, where malevolence gleams within their eyes. These are the little terrors, who love to mimic you and throw things on the floor and make messes.

I can’t really complain, though. I love kids, and I’m hoping to be a teacher some day! I know that I will have to deal with such situations, but I have found that this job is very nice. For one thing, I agree with what every different parental column says. Having a summer job really shows you how to become responsible, increases your maturity, makes you become more independent, and helps your self esteem. {AKA: A confidence boost.}

Now, I’m going to change my tune a bit. I think I just had an epiphany. As I have written to you, I’m going to be very busy this month. I have Studio, the Disney trip, pool parties, working the town movie nights, B.O.T.B. wrap up, and, not to mention, school clothes shopping. I think I’m pretty booked. Which means I forgot one thing…

the dreaded AP U.S. homework.

Luckily, I just did encounter that epiphany, like I said, and realized something. If I work my butt off this week… can’t I get all of the assignment done, and out of the way? For some reason, my mother’s tired and tried phrase seems to finally have hit home. I’m actually going to leave in a few minutes to do just that… finish all of the vocab words! Forty-five vocab words in one day wouldn’t be too shabby. Last time, I finished them all in three hours! Let’s see if I can beat that record!

I have one last topic to discuss. My posts might become more artsy after this post, as I get back into Studio mode. I’m sure that you can see I’m generally a fun-loving, warm-hearted, happy-go-lucky type of girl.

This year, I truly want to focus on the type of writer I want to be. Of course, I can change and evolve as a writer, but I really want to focus on… one thing I can change in my writing. I’m kind of torn between two decisions this year.

I could really work on carrying my writer’s voice throughout my pieces. If I keep my voice strong and clear, I will be able to reach my readers better. Developing my voice will make my writing sturdier, and my words more confident.

I can also work very hard on time management. I know I also have to apply this to my actual life. In truth, I spend way too much time on facebook and youtube. I’m pretty lazy when it comes to just sitting around on the computer. I haven’t really written in a while, besides on this blog. And you can notice that I am kind of lagging on here, too. I do ensure you of more posts, though.

Back on the subject of time management. I need to find a time every day, or even every other day {or every three days, they’re all reasonable} that I can write within. I’ve tried before dinner, but I’m always lounging on the computer, usually. I’ve tried after dinner, but I’m rushing to do homework. I’ve tried before bedtime, but then it’s too late for me. I’ve tried the morning, but I’m always tired or running late. Yeah… I do need time management.

If I prioritize my time, though, I can succeed in finding time for things. I just proved myself by finishing my writer’s notebook for Studio. I’m all set for Studio… well, actually, I should put my bag together soon that I carry back and forth. {Note to self!!!}

I’m also a bit nervous for NaNoWriMo this year. This will be my second time participating, and I’d like to continue NaNoWriMo as a personal annual event. Due to the heavy homework load I already have from AP U.S., I’m a bit nervous to see how this year will work out. Will I even be able to participate in NaNoWriMo? I really would love to… so I need to figure out how to include my writing time.

I wonder if I can combine my two goals into one major, yet accomplishable goal… hmmmm.

{Ladies and Gentlemen! We just reached the 900 word count. Maybe we’ll break the 1,000 word barrier this post!}

I’d also like to start youtubing. I know I whine in every post how I should, but I really would like to make vlogs a real accomplished achievement. Maybe then I could do two typed posts and one video a week! That would be nice…

I’d like to leave you today with the questions I will have to commonly ask myself. I wonder if they might help you, too, when you are trying to figure things out.

While doing an activity…

How will doing this benefit me in the future?

Have I spent too much time here?

What have I accomplished?

Thinking about oneself…

How am I helping myself?

Am I keeping myself motivated?

What can I do to make myself stay focused?

And, just to let you know, we broke through the 1,000 word barrier with the start of the first questions. 🙂

I hope you have a lovely week. I will update as soon as possible!

Speaking of updates, notice anything different? Surprise! I’ve changed the site a bit. I hope you like it. More pages will be added shortly!

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=

“Each person grows not only by her own talents and development of her inner beliefs, but also by what she receives from the persons around her.” ~ Iris Haberli

Delay on Tuesday

Hey, dear followers!

All right, so it was more like… seventeen days since my last post. However, I have a lot to talk about! I hope you don’t mind playing a game called “ketchup.”

My birthday was July 19th! I really don’t want to post my exact age, though, so I’ll just say it was a monumentous milestone. Oh, what the hay… I’ve said I’m going to be a Junior. I turned sweet sixteen!

My party was so much fun. We went to dinner at the Olive Garden, and three of my best friends came to celebrate with my family! The cake was absolutely gorgeous, but I’m too lazy to post a picture. 🙂

I received many awesome gifts for my birthday. My two top favorites, though, were extremely generous. My godmother gave me a Pandora bracelet. It has a lilac charm, butterfly, present, and hedgehog on it! I’m so happy… it’s adorable. {I also got this super cool sea glass bracelet! :D}

My second gift, however, will be my favorite thing for a longggg time. My parents gave me a nook! {Thanks, Mom & Dad!} In case you may not know, a nook is an eReading device by Barnes & Noble. It’s quite neat. Mine is the wifi version, so I can read, shop for books, go online, play games, and upload music… all on this tiny device! It makes me so happy.

The best part is, B&N has around twelve new free books every week! You can find them by going on to B&N, clicking on “eBooks” at the top, and finding “free eBooks” on the left lower side. This week is “twelve books that inspired movies”… there’s some really neat titles there!

It’s going to be nice knowing I can carry my whole library around with me. I even got this nifty case and reading light, so I can sneak a two a.m. read! 🙂

I’ve mainly been gone for a while because of that AP U.S. In fact, I’m supposed to be finishing 30 vocab questions now, but I’m stalling quick on here. I’ll get them finished by tonight! ^.^

Some cool things coming up for me: Studio will be back in session soon! That means you’ll get a whole week of daily updates from me. Woah!

I’m also seriously going to start putting up some YouTube videos. I’m sure I won’t hit off with a good start right away, but maybe I’ll get some subscribers!

Yeah, I’ll also have twelve more AP U.S. things to do…

And then I’ll be going to Disney World for a week in August! YES! Get ready for some fun updates, there!

I’m sure this is getting pretty long… and probably boring. But I love typing to you guys!

I promise I’ll update really soon. Perhaps by Friday? I shall make a mental note!

Until next time.

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” ~ Anais Nin


Hi Everyone!

So, I’m going to get back in the swing of posting every 3-5 days, hopefully. I have quite a bit to post about today.

One of my biggest pet peeves is something very common with people. That big green monster is one of my least favorite emotions ever created.

Yup, I’m sure you’ve figured it out.


Isn’t it even a weird word? I mean, come on, guys. It even has the word “lousy” built into it. The funny fact is, I believe people get more jealous with age. It starts about now, when my classmates and I are teenagers. There’s all of these boys and girls that all, well, want one another. And there’s always someone else who wants the same boy or girl, and then they become friends with you. But fake friends. And they try and get you to like them, so they can drop you on your bum when you get a chance with the person you want to be with. And what that means is that they wanted the same person all along, and they were just distracting you from developing a relationship with that person.

Hmm… did that make sense to anyone? I think it’s very plausible.

Then, jealousy gets even worse over time. Then it’s who can have the perfect wedding, who has the best job position {the workplace is another big jealousy hot spot}, who has the biggest house, who has the best spouse, whose kids are winning the most awards? I think it’s getting pretty ridiculous.

Some form of competition is always healthy with people, but when you start comparing yourself to others all of the time, what’s the point?

Okay, so, now that I’m done feuding about that…

I decided to sign up for a challenging course this year. AP U.S. History did not seem so intimidating, at first. I believed it to be just another class I could conquer with a smile, in truth. However, I am learning that I will need a great sense of focus and responsibility in order to complete this course with a favorable grade.

The month of July itself includes seven different assignments to be completed. As it is a college graded class, the summer includes a great deal of schoolwork that accounts for fifteen percent of the final average. Being truthful, I’m beginning to think about my decision.

I know I can do well in this class, but it will mean casting aside a lot of the social activities I take for granted. I’m pretty sure that I can take up that challenge, but we’ll see how it turns out.

I’ve also been working on my Writer’s Notebook for Studio. It’s actually pretty hard to find words and pictures you want to show yourself as a writer! Teen magazines are especially not a help.

I’m going to have to see if my dad’s technology magazines have a better chance. Hey, maybe they’ll have words like “create” or “imagine” or “a world of imagination!” : )

Well, I’d better get crackin’ on all of that AP homework. I’m on question 3 of… 42 right now. Okay, this might be bad… I’ll type to you soon!

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=

“Your life has meaning and beauty, and you are not alone in it.” ~ Thomas Kinkade