We cannot be alive until we have loved, dreamed, laughed, wished, or given ourselves to others.

Delay on Tuesday

Hey, dear followers!

All right, so it was more like… seventeen days since my last post. However, I have a lot to talk about! I hope you don’t mind playing a game called “ketchup.”

My birthday was July 19th! I really don’t want to post my exact age, though, so I’ll just say it was a monumentous milestone. Oh, what the hay… I’ve said I’m going to be a Junior. I turned sweet sixteen!

My party was so much fun. We went to dinner at the Olive Garden, and three of my best friends came to celebrate with my family! The cake was absolutely gorgeous, but I’m too lazy to post a picture. 🙂

I received many awesome gifts for my birthday. My two top favorites, though, were extremely generous. My godmother gave me a Pandora bracelet. It has a lilac charm, butterfly, present, and hedgehog on it! I’m so happy… it’s adorable. {I also got this super cool sea glass bracelet! :D}

My second gift, however, will be my favorite thing for a longggg time. My parents gave me a nook! {Thanks, Mom & Dad!} In case you may not know, a nook is an eReading device by Barnes & Noble. It’s quite neat. Mine is the wifi version, so I can read, shop for books, go online, play games, and upload music… all on this tiny device! It makes me so happy.

The best part is, B&N has around twelve new free books every week! You can find them by going on to B&N, clicking on “eBooks” at the top, and finding “free eBooks” on the left lower side. This week is “twelve books that inspired movies”… there’s some really neat titles there!

It’s going to be nice knowing I can carry my whole library around with me. I even got this nifty case and reading light, so I can sneak a two a.m. read! 🙂

I’ve mainly been gone for a while because of that AP U.S. In fact, I’m supposed to be finishing 30 vocab questions now, but I’m stalling quick on here. I’ll get them finished by tonight! ^.^

Some cool things coming up for me: Studio will be back in session soon! That means you’ll get a whole week of daily updates from me. Woah!

I’m also seriously going to start putting up some YouTube videos. I’m sure I won’t hit off with a good start right away, but maybe I’ll get some subscribers!

Yeah, I’ll also have twelve more AP U.S. things to do…

And then I’ll be going to Disney World for a week in August! YES! Get ready for some fun updates, there!

I’m sure this is getting pretty long… and probably boring. But I love typing to you guys!

I promise I’ll update really soon. Perhaps by Friday? I shall make a mental note!

Until next time.

Lots of ♥,

Sarah [=

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” ~ Anais Nin

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